Monday, February 9, 2009

February 7, 2009 Sunday Recap Six

This weekend was our Pathfinder Sabbath and Lock-in. We "camped out" in the gym on Friday and Saturday night. The Pathfinders had the church service on Saturday morning.
After lunch, we went on a hike through the woods. This large tree had fallen across the path.
Saturday evening, the Pathfinders worked on their marching and drilling.
Pin trading is a big thing--the Pathfinders enjoy trading hat pins with each other. They are getting ready for the big International Camporee in August where Pathfinders from all over the world will be there--and pin trading will happen in a really big way.
The Pathfinders worked on the Model Rocketry Honor--each one built a model rocket.
Then, Sunday morning, the rockets were fired. Eight rockets were recovered, four disappeard into the distance never to be found

1 comment:

  1. See I never got to make and fire rockets when I did Brownies or Guides! Looks like fun though :D
