Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15, 2009 Sunday Recap Six

For Eldon

In looking over my pictures this week, I found I had many sky/cloud pictures. I love to take pictures of clouds--I am in awe of the never ending variety of shapes, colors, and patterns.
Monday was a beautiful day with big, puffy, white clouds.
Wednesday, the weather was stormy with a very interesting array of cloud formations and colors.
More of Wednesday's stormy clouds.
This is Wednesday, also.
Friday was another beautiful day. These clouds were lined up like plowed furrows.

I liked the way the darker grey clouds wrapped around an oval of blue sky today.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing it was just grey overcast here at the end of last week when I thought I could at least do cloudscapes for my Sunday Six! Now THIS week I may have to use some. I haven't looked at what I've got so far but I remember some clouds. :)
