Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 5, 2009 Sunday New Six

Today was the Union Level Event for Pathfinder Bible Achievement. Three teams have made it this far--one from Kentucky and two from Tennessee. The teams that score high enough at this level will go on to the Division Level at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, MI on the 18th of April.
Our team is doing some last minute cramming.
The event begins. Questions are displayed on the screen, read twice by the quiz master, and 10 seconds are given for the teams to write their answers and pass them to the judges.

The lady on the left is the quiz master. The three people at the table are the panel judges who get to decide if an answer is correct if it differs from the answer on the screen.
This is the team from Kentucky. They did not score high enough to advance to the next level.
This is our team. We advanced and are going to Andrews University!
This is the other team from Tennessee. They also advanced--they have been trying for years to get this far--finally, they made it!

March 29, 2009 Sunday Recap Six

Continuing last week's tour of the yard.
This is the view looking to the right from the top of our back steps.
This is my dad's apple orchard.

My dad's garden.
My dad's house.
Looking toward our house from dad's.
Our garden--waiting to be planted.